How to Install OBB File On Games & Apps for Android (Best Way 100%)

How to Install OBB File for Games & Apps for Android (Best Way 100%)
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How to install OBB File? Mostly if you download a large game or App. Then you will find that there is another file next to the game file you want to download called (OBB). Sometimes you get confused about how to install this file, it is very simple and with very easy steps. There is more than one way to install OBB files on Android by ES File Explorer or even through an SD card on your phone. You can see more details in the following to learn how to install OBB on Android.

What is the OBB File?

OBB Folder is a file that accompanies APK files of large games and apps. Where it is an extension of the APK, Rar, and EXE files. Also, it contains graphics files, media, and storage information. Because often the APK is not enough for some crowded and large files. Therefore, the developer adds the other OBB in another file accompanying the App file. After you download your favorite game and install the Apk file. Then you’ll have to get the obb file back on path so you can start running the app. There is a manual method that we will explain in the next. In addition to installing the OBB file by the ES File Explorer installer and other details below.

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How to Set the OBB Files (Guide)

What are the Requirements for Installing the OBB Archive

  1. First, you must have enough space in the SD card file on your device.
  2. Also, your device must be running at least Android 4.0.
  3. You need a good internet connection to download the settings.
  4. A link to download the latest version of the file you want to install.
  5. Download the OBB installer on your phone, such as ES File Explorer.
  6. Also, you will need to enable the Unknown Sources option from the Security Settings.

How to Set and Install the OBB File on Android

How to Set and Install the OBB File on Android

How to Install OBB File Manually

  • At first, you will install the APK file in the normal way.
  • Then you will download the OBB.
  • Now, decompress and extract the data files.
  • Then open the “Data” file and copy the folder inside.
  • And now move it to “SD Card” → Android Data.
  • If you do not find a data file, you can create it manually.
  • Make sure the files are copied correctly.

How to Install OBB File By ES File Explorer (Installer)

Download ES File Explorer Pro APK Free

  • First, download ES File Explorer and install it on your device.
  • Open ES File Explorer and go to the “Download” folder.
  • And now install the APK for the game you want.
  • Click the game icon and then click “Install“.
  • When the installation is finished, do not open the game.
  • But click “Done” and then search for OBB Archive.
  • Press and hold the icon, then “More“, then “Extract to“.
  • Now select the last item in the window.
  • Then “Choose Path” and click on the path (text below, /sdcard/..).
  • Then the folder window will open.
  • Click on “Android“, then “OBB“, then “OK“.
  • Finally, ES File Explorer will extract the archive.
  • After completion, the game will start immediately.
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