the benefits of installing stair lift for seniors

the benefits of installing stair lift for seniors
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stair lift prevent seniors from falling and save their lives, providing them with more mobility.
most people asking can stair lifts be dangerous?
the answer is that stair lifts are safe if they are installed correctly, used properly. so when you want to buy stair lift make sure to choose the best companies that put their products through safety tests.

There are some things to check before buying a staircase

  • User capability

Make sure that the elderly person has a physical strength to use the device alone.

  • Safety

it must have seat belts for seniors safety, Adjustable footrests, Adjustable seats.

  • Obstruction alerts

have the ability to stop movement when there is an obstacle in its path.

  • battery power backup system

makes sure to choose the one that has a battery power backup system, you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the stairs when the power is off.

  • Proper installation

You must choose the company that can install these stairlifts correctly so that they are safe for the elderly who use them.

the benefits of installing stair lift for seniors

Installing a stair lift properly is more safety for the elderly in a two-story house. If the old man is alone in the house, he will be able to use the stair lift safely without worrying about power cuts if the product has a backup power system. and if the user has the physical ability Sufficient to make it possible to use the product properly without the help of others.

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prices & lifespan

The lifespan of the stair lift is 10 years, but this is determined by use if it is bad or good. You can buy a stair lift at prices ranging from $ 3000 to $ 5000 for straight stairs, while for the curved stairs can be up to $ 10,000.

Weight Capacity

Be sure to buy a stair lift that can withstand user weight.


Be sure to buy a stair lift with multiple options such as Adjustable footrests, Adjustable seats, Obstruction alerts, Alternate power, etc.

For more information about professional stairlift installations in New York City.

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